(Tracey along with Billy and John McLachlan)
The Management, Committee and Players at Carluke Rovers would like to take this opportunity to send our congratulations to our very own Tracey Cranston having been recognised at the 40th Annual Clydesdale Sport Personalities & Team of the Year Awards.
Although missing out on the main prize Tracey is a winner in all our eyes, Tracey has spent many many years at the Rovers, be it as Club Secretary, selling the pies or washing the strips amongst the many other ways the club has benefited from Traceys presence.
Tracey has shown massive dedication to our club, a club that would have struggled to survive at times were it not for Traceys selfless dedication to the club.
It is only fitting therefore that Tracey received a certificate in recognition of excellent sporting achievements during the year 2023 a recognition that has spanned many years.
Although Tracey chose to step down from the Committee her support and assistance at the club still continues, a support we are very lucky to have.
Well done Tracey.