ClubCrest150Carluke Rovers FC – Forum RulesClubCrest150


To ensure The Rovers Forum is a pleasant place to spend some time, we ask that users read and abide by a few simple rules.

Refrain from posting anything libellous, racist or inflammatory and do not link to copyrighted or vulgar material. The forums are read by people of all ages so bear this in mind when you post.
Please remember that you are solely responsible for what you post here and in no way can your views/comments be deemed to be on behalf of or an official view of Carluke Rovers FC.
Please do not post entirely in CAPS LOCK. This is the internet equivalent of SHOUTING and will be chopped. The same goes for text speak – use English.
While the Admin team attempt to keep troublemakers and objectionable material off the board, we simply cannot read every post. If you come across any unsuitable posts then please contact admin using the Contacts/Links menu above. Don’t lower yourself to the level of obvious troublemakers by baiting them.
If you have any problems or general queries, contact the admin team via private message. Do not clog up the board with self-indulgent drivel if your post has been removed when you can be answered off the board.
Temporary bans will be issued to anyone infringing the above rules. Persistent offenders will be banned. If you want to keep your username then keep this in mind.
Supporters of other clubs are most welcome provided they remain civil.
The forum administrators reserve the right to administer and alter the forum as they see fit.

Finally, keep in mind that this forum is for you and for all Rovers supporters. If there are any features you would like to see included or if you have any ideas for the site or the forum, please contact us.

Further to our own set of Rules you should also pay attention to the SJFA Social Media Guidelines below which is every bit as relevant to the forum

SJFA Crest 50Scottish Junior Football Association Social Media GuidelinesSJFA Crest 50


Internet and mobile based social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Bebo, Blackberry Messenger, MSN, Live Profile, Android, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat and any such similar currently existing or futire existing sites, as well as the recent phenomenon of ‘Bloggin’ (writing an online and public diary) have become increasingly popular and the Scottish Junior FA is keen to ensure that its Member Clubs and their Officials, Managent, Players and Coaching Staff etc remain protected in what is a very open and public way of sharing information and images across the internet.

The Scottish Junior FA acknowledges that blogs and social networking sites provide individuals with a way of sharing their insights, expressing their opinions and communicating in a global environment. When you choose to go public with your opinions however through a blog, social networking site or openly accessible medium, you are legally responsible for these opinions. You should therefore be aware that you can be held personally responsible for any commentary deemed to be defamatory, obscene, discriminatory, proprietary or libelous. For these reasons, you need to exercise caution with regard to any derogatory, discriminatory or bullying remarks or characterisations, copyrighted materials, exaggeration or obscenity. In essence, what you post to the internet is at your own risk and other parties can pursue legal action against you personally for postings.

To avoid any problems or potential disciplinary action, the SJFA recommends that players, etc. remember a number of guidelines, which are listed below, when using social media:

Avoid commenting on matters relating to referees.
Avoid making instant comment.
Avoid being critical of those who hold positions of authority within football.
Others may publish any comments made by you without your consent, as blogging is considered to be public domain.
Be completely certain of the accuracy/legitimacy of what you are saying.
If you are unsure whether to a post may be controversial then don’t post it.
Anything said online – whether good, bad ir indifferent – reflects upon you and possibly your club and may impact its reputation
Any comment or photo you put out makes an indelible impression online – you might think you have deleted it, but it will be recorded and remain accessible.


Finally, Social Media can be a great way to keep in touch with fans, fellow players and friends to raise Junior Football’s profile.

Enjoy it responsibly.