The Rovers CL Predictor competition is a much-needed fundraiser for the club. Entry for this year’s predictor is £5, and entrants must submit their predictions before the first match day on Tuesday 6th September.

Entry forms can be requested by email at Submissions can be returned to the Rovers email account – with payment for entry(s) to the Rover’s RBS bank account,

Account Number        00222297

Sort Code                    83-16-28

For paper copies, or to pay in person. Entries and monies can be handed in at the Rover’s game at the John Cumming Stadium on Saturday 3rd September, (1pm-4pm) or our training nights at the stadium – 1st or 5th September (8pm-9pm).

The competition will run during the 6 match days of the group stages. Entrants must predict scores for a limited selection of group games. Points will be awarded for correct scores and correct result. The entrant with the highest points scored after the 6 group match days will receive 50% of the total pot. If there are multiple entrants with the winning score, then the 50% pot will be equally shared with all winners. Interim results for the top 10 entries will be published on our website after the second set of games on each match day. The winning results will be published after the final group of matches on match day 6.

Good luck to all of those who take part.